FEASTS (Fostering European cellular Agriculture for Sustainable Transition Solutions) has been funded

In 2023, Efund elaborated a project lead by IST-ID answering the call
HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-13: Cultured meat and cultured seafood – state of play and future prospects in the EU.
FEASTS will provide an unprecedented, unbiased and robust knowledge base for the assessment of the sustainability aspects of the CM/CSF sector by actively promoting multistakeholder engagement and co-creation activities grounded on transparent dialogue and open science practices. It will explore different production methods, product types, supply and value chains as well as business models to provide balanced solutions that are not only sustainable by design and cost-efficient, but also ethically responsible, safe and nutritious, fair and inclusive. FEASTS, designed as a think-tank, adopts a Food Systems Thinking approach and a multidimensional impact assessment including not only LCA, TEA and SLCA of CM/CSF products and their comparison to conventional counterparts but also systems dynamic modelling and integrated scenario analysis that will provide a decision support tool for informed policy- and decision-making in the EU.
You can find more details on the project on the EC website.