AI4DEBUNK (Participative Assistive AI-powered Tools for Supporting Trustworthy Online Activity of Citizens and Debunking Disinformation) has been funded

In 2023, Efund assisted the consortium led by the University of Latvia to prepare a project answering the call HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-05: Through AI from Disinformation to Trust (IA). The project has been funded and aims to develop 4 human-centered AI-powered interfaces: a web plug-in, a collaborative platform, a smartphone app, and an AR interface. All these solutions will be built upon a “debunking” API. To develop such an API, AI4Debunk will focus on 2 peculiar disinformation topics: the war in Ukraine and disinformation related to climate change.
You can find more details on the project on the EC website.